Receive high quality business leads.
Every week.

Aggregated list of high quality leads that increases your success of outbound sales. Go directly to the decision maker. Updated news and key insights of business that are looking to outsource their business functions.


With 200 leads a week, it allows you to build up a constant flow of meetings in no time.


Our leads are painstakingly vetted to ensure that you only reach out to the best. We spend time to save yours.


Email templates and company insights for you to craft the best email.


Work together with other businesses in the network to offer unbeatable packaged products and services.

Like the leads? Time to get serious
per month
✓ Receive 200 leads each week
✓ View leads from previous weeks
✓ Extensive research for engagement strategy
✓ Outbound email templates
✓ Verified CEO email
✓ Get introduced to network of Bleads users
Outsource your outbound sales
per month
✓ Unlock full list of leads
✓ Done for you service
✓ Send emails and book meetings for you
✓ No commissions
✓ Open communication
✓ Weekly updates and reporting